Clones that survived order 66
Clones that survived order 66

Here’s the story: (Note: I am factoring Episodes I-VI, the narrative in Star Wars Battlefront II, the Clone Wars animated series, and certain more commonly accepted elements of the EU as cannon. So here’s my fan theory to explain all of this surviving Clone Trooper members of the 501st Legion are the heroes of the rebellion.Īs I will expand upon, resentment over their new conditions under the Empire, abolishment of the command structure they were loyal to during the war, distaste for the tendency that Vader and Palpatine had to treating combat like a game, and guilt from having to combat sentient, civilian opponents for the first time in their long military careers drove small pockets of Clone War veterans, mainly concentrated in the 501st Legion in the post-Clone-War era, to intentionally sabotage the efforts of the Empire. However, I have yet to see a satisfying explanation for the pilot on the first Death Star that collided into Vader’s ship for no reason, their failures on Endor (I don’t think “bad at guerrilla warfare” and “overconfident” holds up for a division of the Empire’s “best troops” covered head to toe in impact-resistant armor), or their general inconsistency in effectiveness.

clones that survived order 66

I like this angle, and I partially borrow from it in my theory. Others have pointed out that many times the Stormtroopers do in fact act as an elite fighting force, using precision marksmanship against the Jawas, easily taking a choke point on the Tantive IV, or quickly overrunning an entrenched position on Hoth.Ĭ did an excellent piece that explained real-world research into the hesitations that soldiers face when trying to kill another human being, which would put the faceless Stormtrooopers at an inherent disadvantage against their non-uniformed enemies.

clones that survived order 66

Many fans have pointed out that, in certain instances, imperial soldiers would likely have been under strict orders to put on a show but ultimately not injure their targets, such as Leia and crew escaping the first Death Star with a tracking device on the ship or corralling Luke to the carbon freezing chamber on Bespin.

clones that survived order 66

I have read a number of theories about the infamous “Stormtrooper Aim” - the inability for these supposedly elite soldiers to win critical battles (or ever hit any main characters).

Clones that survived order 66